Here is their story:
Andrew & I decided long ago that one of our first acts as a married couple would be to adopt a cat. (You see, I got lucky enough to find a man who not only tolerates cats, but actually likes them!) So after we had gotten somewhat settled here in Austin, I was having lunch with my friend Becca and she told me about an awesome shelter called Austin Pets Alive. I checked out their website that day and knew I had found our baby boy: Bishop, a 2-month-old Siamese/Tabby Mix.
Andrew agreed, so we headed to the foster home to meet him. Once we got there, his foster parents began telling us how he was found alone and had been placed with a litter only 1 week older than him. It turns out he had bonded pretty strongly with one of the girl kittens in that litter: Bertha.
We decided right then and there that we couldn't separate such a close bond... We would adopt both! The only issue was that we hated the name Bertha. Fortunately, we had a clever solution. Since "Bishop" was our boy's shelter-given name and just so happened to be the name of Andrew's hometown, we decided to name our girl after my hometown, "Orlando", but call her "Landy" for short!
A few days later, we brought them both home, and my life has been better ever since. I truly am obsessed with them, and I don't care who knows it... If you have pets, I'm sure you can understand - or maybe I'm just crazy. Either way, I appreciate you for making it to the end of this post! :)

Glad those two found such a good home:)