Last Tuesday was Andrew's birthday, and since I've been the worst blogger ever I didn't even have time to post about it, so I'm going to spend a little time today celebrating him.
Here are 24 things I love about Mr. James (since it was his 24th birthday):
1. He was arguably the world's cutest baby.
2. He's 6'3" and I'm 5'7" so I never have to worry about being taller than him.
3. He loves the Lord.
4. He loves cats.
5. He is a wonderful cook (see photo proof here).
6. He is business-savvy.
7. He dresses well.
8. He makes me feel special.
9. He is great with kids.
10. He always takes care of me.
11. He is trustworthy in every way.
12. He is one of the most humble people you will ever meet.
13. He is constantly making me laugh.
14. He has introduced me to (aka: forced me to watch, but then I fell in love with) some of my favorite movies & tv shows.
15. He puts up with my crazy, obsessed Bachelor-watching rituals.
16. He knows basically everything about technology.
17. He doesn't hog the covers.
18. He always drives, even on long road trips.
19. He prays with me every night.
20. He supports me in all that I do.
21. He encourages/inspires me to be healthy.
22. He kills all the bugs in our apartment.
23. He is pretty darn handsome, if I do say so myself.
24. He is the love of my life.
...Thanks for letting me gush on my husband! I hope this gave you all a little insight into the man who puts up with the woman behind this blog.
Until next time!

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